Global warming, air, water and soil pollution, scarcity of raw materials and energy are among the challenges that the environment is facing today. Unfortunately, most of the environmental pollutants are caused by the construction of buildings.

When it comes to building and fabrication process, opting for steel as construction material can result in a lower environmental impact. In this blog post, you will learn about the guide to steel and why it is considered the most sustainable material today.

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Written by Jessica Frei

Tips on Spotting a Tiger at a Reserve!The tiger is the most magnificent predator on the planet. From his royal walk to the frightful roar, tiger is certainly one such animal whose mere glimpse is a much awaited dream of every wildlife enthusiast. Unfortunately, tigers are one among the endangered species and thus are not found in any random corner of the globe. Nonetheless the good news is that India is home to 43 Tiger Reserves, which means it is one of the top destinations for spotting the big cats. In case this count of tiger reserves is insisting you for a tiger tour to India, then there are a few points to consider. These points will help; in fact will ensure that you get a clear view of the furious yet glorious king of the forest – the Tiger!

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Written by Melanie Kozlan

It seems to be that a large number or people want to recycle but don’t know how and an equal number of people recycle improperly. You might have experienced this when you’ve seen things like Styrofoam and old food in your friend’s recycling bins. Composting can be an ever bigger mystery, some seem to think recycling and compost bins are just different containers for the same trash. Here is a comprehensive guide to simplify your waste management!

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Author: Marygrace Stergakos

Vegetarian breakfasts are easy: Greek yogurt sprinkled with granola, scrambled eggs, pancakes, French toast… The list goes on forever.  While I wouldn’t say that vegan breakfasts, on the other hand, are challenging, its certainly a good opportunity to think outside the box.  Unless of course, you don’t mind cereal with soymilk every morning for the rest of eternity.  Me?  No thanks.  Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and don’t think I let being vegan get in the way of that.  Here are some of my favorite vegan breakfast ideas that are filling, nutritious, and keep me away from the cold cereal.

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By Ekotrope

  • Solar, insulation and window design/fenestration named as top three sustainable building developments over past decade-

Boston, MA – Finding clients keen to undertake energy-efficient projects, demonstrating long-term financial benefits and demonstrating long-term energy savings, are the biggest barriers to energy-efficient building projects, according to a survey conducted by Ekotrope.

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Written by Melanie Kozlan

As every new year begins, many are counting calories and crowding into overpriced eco-unfriendly gyms. Not only is a gym membership expensive, it can be a waste of money once you get in the momentum of not going to the gym, or going for 20 minutes and leaving with a smoothie. The gym is also swimming with germs, despite any efforts to wipe down the sweat-covered treadmills. Choosing Green methods of exercise doesn’t only save energy or save your money, it can also save you from getting sick! Try some of these time (and money!) saving green fitness tips that will leave you feeling your best:

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Author: Zachary Shanan

Here’s another leading reason we might be seeing some of the mass bird and fish deaths we’ve been seeing recently, mentioned briefly in one of my posts on the possible causes of these deaths: magnetic polar shifts. This, of course, would help to explain why birds are dying all over the world (map) in such large numbers (not just in some places) and so suddenly.

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