Is Global Warming Killing Your Dreams of a White Christmas?
Author: Berke Ugur
The probability of having snow on Christmas morning has declined consistently for the last 50 years in the northern hemisphere due to climate change and will likely to decline towards the latter half of the century, according researchers and meteorologists around the world.
An average 0.7-degree Celsius rise in world temperatures since 1900 and projected bigger rises by 2100 suggest great rarity for white Christmas for the coming generations towards the second half of the century.
As stated in UN’s fourth assessment report: climate change 2007, anthropogenic impact on the environment is the principal cause for global climate warming. The report states that the probability that this is caused by natural climatic processes alone is less than 5%
The news leaves youngsters jittery.
Dreaming for white Christmas is a pleasant holiday tradition, especially for the children.
“We’re going to have to dream a little harder, I think, to see the kind of things our parents and their parents absolutely took for granted,” senior climatologist David Phillips from Canada said.